Complimentary Medicine

Every Swiss mountain village, town and city offer access to free healthcare advice and consult in shops called “Drogeries”. These shops aren’t in the business of dispensing or promoting prescription drugs. Instead, the shelves are filled with natural, organic dried goods such as muesli, medicinal teas, flower remedies for the emotions, minerals for the bones, natural creams and oils, and a large selection of homeopathic remedies. Highly trusted, the Drogistin (or shopkeeper) and staff are well educated, having years of formal study, training and experience.
Of course, the Swiss have standard pharmacies and hospitals readily available when the need for conventional medicine arises. What’s important to acknowledge is the emphasis placed on healthcare as, first and foremost, the responsibility of the individual.

Visit my BLOG for helpful hints on how the Swiss use nature based medicine to support their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.